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7 Best Nootropics For Test Taking

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With mid terms right around the corner many of you are looking to gain an edge and get the best scores possible on your tests.

Or do good enough to just get by. We have all been there before and it can be a pretty stressful time.

Maybe that’s why you have just stumbled upon this site in hopes of trying something new or refining your test taking strategy.

Well lets get started. Listed below are what I believe are the best nootropics specifically for taking tests and exams or finals.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. Always consult with your physician before beginning any diet, starting any new compounds or supplements. This information is subject to our medical disclaimer.


One of the most well known nootropics out there and probably the most popular for college students is Adrafinil.

One of the main reasons why it is so popular is how effective it is and also how long the duration is(6-12 hours).

Adrafinil is known for having many potent cognitive effects that can be felt almost immediately and for longer than most other nootropics.

I think the 2 most important effects of Adrafinil for test taking is its thought process acceleration and increased memory recall.

So not only are you remembering a lot more information that you studied but its all coming to you a hundred miles an hour.

This is really good for short timed tests where you have to cram a lot of questions or essays in a short amount of time.

Check out my top Adrafinil stacks.


300mg’s Adrafinil on an empty stomach 2-3 hours before your test.

If you have never taken Adrafinil before its better to test it out at a lower dose and work your way up.

Also you should test it out way before your test ideally so you can see how you react to it and know what to expect.


Next on the list of the best nootropics for test taking we have Phenylpiracetam. Now this one can be pretty stimulating as well.

Some of you guys may need that some of you won’t.

What’s mainly important is its cognitive enhancement effects.

What you can expect from Phenylpiracetam is a sense of in depth focus, better memory recall, greater thought connectivity and feeling very awake.

The good thing about this nootropic is that the duration is actually pretty short so if you only have 1 or 2 tests in a short period of time you can get a real solid boost and then continue about your day.

Check out my favorite Phenylpiracetam stacks.


100mg’s Phenylpiracetam

150-300mg’s Alpha-GPC(Optional)

I like to take both of them 45 minutes to an hour before a test on an empty stomach.


Noopept is definitely one of the most if not the most talked about nootropic in recent times.

This compound not only works very well for test taking but also for study cramming the day or night before a big test.

We’ll get into that topic some other time though.

What you can expect from Noopept is a clean feeling of stimulation but not over stimulation like some things out there.

Most notably the cognitive effects that can be felt include Wakefulness, faster thought processing, verbal fluency, sense of well being and extreme focus.

Pretty much everything you could want going on during an important final exam.

Take a look at my top Noopept stacks.


20-30mg’s Noopept on an empty stomach one hour before your test.

Again like everything else it is a good idea to test these nootropics a while before you have an important test to asses your response and find the right dose for you.


Next on the list we have Pramiracetam. This is one of the more potent racetams on this list as with Phenylpiracetam.

One thing I and many others have noticed with this nootropic is its ability to produce neutral emotions.

This may keep your thoughts at bay when it comes to your final exams and keep you focused on what really matters in that moment.

Other cognitive effects include wakefulness, increased motivation, sense of well being and better thought connectivity.

Check out my favorite Pramiracetam stacks.


300mg’s Pramiracetam an hour before your test with some sort of food containing fat or a fat source itself.

300mg’s Alpha-GPC(optional) to prevent possible headache due to lack of choline.


Another racetam nootropic we have is Oxiracetam and for good reason just like the others.

I think most importantly with this one is that Oxiracetam seems to be the king when it comes to helping solve math problems.

I don’t notice any other nootropics that work quite as well for math as this one.

Instead of just memorizing equations it feels like you actually understand the concept behind the math problem you are solving during your test taking.

Other notable cognitive effects that can be felt include but are not limited to increased focus, better memory recall, more energy and faster thought processing.

My favorite Oxiracetam stacks.


750mg’s Oxiracetam 45-60 minutes before your test on an empty stomach.

150-300mg’s Alpha-GPC(Optional) also on an empty stomach.


Even though Aniracetam is also another racetam in this list this one can be pretty different.

Not only do the benefits feel pretty similar to the others listed before but this one seems to work very well for test jitters unlike the others.

A huge problem with mid terms and final exams is people get so stressed out about how they will perform on the test and often do poorly because of that hurdle.

I think this stuff can truly help with that problem.

Also I find Aniracetam to be more beneficial for English and essay type questions during test taking.

It just seems easier to fully plan out a story and then put it all together to actually make sense.

Check out my top Aniracetam stacks.


750mg’s Aniracetam an hour or 2 before your test with a fat source as Aniracetam is a fat soluble nootropic.

150-300mg’s Alpha-GPC(Optional) to prevent any possible headache associated with low choline in the brain.

Phenibut HCL

I think this one will absolutely destroy any test jitters you may have before or during an important exam.

Also it will promote an awesome sense of well being throughout the day which is nice.

But when it comes to test taking Phenibut can really keep you focused and motivated while keeping you chilled out at the same time.

If I had a public speaking final exam and had to pick only 1 nootropic I would definitely choose Phenibut.

Take a look at my top Phenibut HCL stacks.


250-500mg’s Phenibut initial dose 4-5 hours before your test or speech then 250-500mg’s a second time 3 hours after the initial dose.

The first dose should be taken on an empty stomach and ideally the second one if you can hold out that long.


That’s really all there is to it when it comes to the best nootropics for test taking. I hope you guys found this list useful and look forward to seeing you all at the next post.

Take it easy everyone.