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5 Best Phenibut HCL Stacks From My Experience

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Many of you may know that Phenibut HCL is my favorite nootropic that I like to take in general. But what some of you don’t know is that you can take Phenibut in a stack.

So this begs the question, what is the best Phenibut stack?

Now this can be a difficult question to answer so in response I have listed what I believe are the 5 best Phenibut stacks that are available right now.

Keep in mind that this is my opinion based on my own experience and you may find there are other Phenibut HCL stacks you enjoy better. Heck you may even prefer Phenibut FAA over Phenibut HCL.

Now if you’ve just arrived and just want to know where to buy the highest quality Phenibut you can find it here.

So with all of that being said let me show you the top 5 Phenibut HCL stacks. These will be in no particular order by the way.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. Always consult with your physician before beginning any diet, starting any new compounds or supplements. This information is subject to our medical disclaimer.

1. Phenibut and Adrafinil stack

First on the list we have the Phenibut Adrafinil stack. Now this may be one of the most productive stacks you can currently find as this combo lasts the entire day.

With that being said I like to take this stack first thing in the morning Ideally with a full nights sleep beforehand. The reason for this is that for whatever reason Adrafinil works even better when you’re already well rested.

But even if you aren’t on a full nights sleep you can most certainly benefit from both of these powerful nootropics.

So basically when you stack Phenibut HCL and Adrafinil together you get a sweet combination of increased focus and productivity combined with an awesome sense of well being.

Also if you’re not trying to feel too stimulated from the Adrafinil, by stacking with Phenibut you even this out real smooth since they feel like almost polar opposites.

How to dose this stack

Since Phenibut HCL is a water soluble nootropic it is best to be taken on an empty stomach. Same goes with Adrafinil since it is also water soluble.

Now I think the most important part of this if you want maximum effects is to take the Phenibut HCL first as it takes anywhere from 3 to 5 hours to kick in as Phenibut has a long onset time.

Adrafinil’s onset time is also pretty comparable but not as long.

So with all of that being said my dosing protocol for this Phenibut Adrafinil stack is as follows.

500mg’s Phenibut HCL on an empty stomach

500mg’s Phenibut HCL again 2 hours later along with 300mg’s Adrafinil

2. Phenibut and Pramiracetam stack

Next we have the Phenibut Pramiracetam stack. Now this stack may not seem to last as long as the Adrafinil one but it is just as powerful.

This one is especially good for enhancing your cognitive ability with an added boost of a stimulated feeling that goes quite well with Phenibut’s calming properties.

This Phenibut stack is also pretty good if you’re trying to either study or grind out some work in general whether that be school work or another project.

Some benefits you can expect from this stack include increased focus, better memory retention, sense of well being, increased energy, substantial motivation and you may become more talkative.

How to dose this stack

The dosing protocol I use for this stack is somewhat similar to the one before but also somewhat different. Since Phenibut HCL is water soluble you will need to take it on an empty stomach.

But Pramiracetam is fat soluble and needs to be taken with food for best effects. So what do you do?

Simple take the Phenibut on an empty stomach and wait at least 3 hours before you add in the Pramiracetam with a meal.

The dosages that I like to use are as follows.

500mg’s Phenibut HCL

500mg’s Phenibut HCL again after 2 hours

300mg’s Pramiracetam with food after Phenibut kicks in

3. Phenibut and Aniracetam stack

Isn’t This Calming?

Next up we have the Phenibut Aniracetam stack. This stack is really ideal if you’re trying to boost your creativity and deep thinking.

Also both of these nootropics produce a calm feeling with well being so if you want this maximized this can be a go to stack.

The only downside to this stack is you may become tired throughout the day as you don’t have as much stimulation as the other stacks mentioned.

Some benefits you can expect from this Phenibut Aniracetam stack will include a super sense of well being, heightened creativity, better focus and working memory, increased motivation and you may become more social and talkative.

How to dose this stack

Once again since Phenibut HCL is water soluble it will need to be taken on an empty stomach to work. Also Aniracetam is fat soluble so you will need food as well.

The dosing protocol I use is the exact same as the Phenibut and Pramiracetam stack except the dosages are different.

500mg’s Phenibut HCL empty stomach

500mg’s Phenibut HCL again 2 hours later

750mg’s Aniracetam with food when the Phenibut starts working

250mg’s Citicoline

4. Phenibut and Caffeine stack

Up next we have the Phenibut Caffeine stack. Now this may not seem like a nootropic stack since you may associate caffeine with coffee or energy drinks but caffeine is actually used pretty regularly in the nootropic community.

This stack is definitely one of the most beginner friendly Phenibut stacks on this list as well. The main reason why this stack is still pretty great is because the Caffeine will help you stay awake since Phenibut HCL can make you tired.

Also on the other hand if you’re prone to becoming jittery from caffeine Phenibut completely eliminates this problem.

Plus the Phenibut seems to kick in faster when taken with caffeine.

How to dose this stack

For this Phenibut Caffeine stack I like to take both of these nootropics at the same time at first and then add more caffeine as needed throughout the day depending on how I’m feeling.

So here are the dosing amounts I like.

500mg’s Phenibut HCL on an empty stomach with 200mg’s Caffeine

300mg’s Phenibut HCL 2 hours later with 100mg’s Caffeine

250mg’s Phenibut and 100mg’s Caffeine every 3 hours as needed

Keep in mind not to exceed 2 grams of Phenibut in a 24 hour period as that is way too much and can potentially be dangerous.

5. Phenibut and Noopept stack

Turn Your Brain On With Noopept

Last but not least I present you the Phenibut Noopept stack. This stack is ideal if you’re trying to become super focused when studying or heck even when taking a test if you have trouble focusing when in an exam.

So for example you can take Noopept anytime you’re trying to study and then on test day you can stack Phenibut and Noopept and relieve the test jitters while still feeling alert and concentrated.

This may be why so many people love this stack myself included.

How to dose this stack

Since both Phenibut HCL and Noopept are water soluble nootropics it is best to take them on an empty stomach.

If you decide to use the Noopept sublingual method it doesn’t really matter if you eat some food.

So my dosing protocol for this Phenibut Noopept stack goes a little something like this.

500mg’s Phenibut empty stomach

15mg’s Noopept at the same time as Phenibut

Repeat after 2 or 3 hours

Closing thoughts

There you have it my top 5 personal favorite Phenibut HCL stacks from my own experience. As always feel free to adjust the dosages on these Phenibut stacks to fit your needs but always be careful when doing so.

These stacks are generally seen as safe but as long as they are at reasonable dosages. Especially don’t go too high on the Phenibut dosage and you should be alright.

If your Phenibut vendor is still garbage, consider switching to my recommended Phenibut of over 5 and a half years over here.

That’s really just it guys and I hope to see you next time.