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5 Best Nootropics For Memory Recall

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Let us get inside your mind

As the world continues to spin it seems that more people are losing their memory at a faster rate than ever before.

We’re really not sure why that is the case but either way I as well as a ton of others are trying to increase brain performance to prevent or at least offset neurodegeneration.

Now nothing mentioned here is guaranteed as research is still very limited with nootropics, but what I can tell you is my personal experience and what works for me.

So In no particular order I present you the best nootropics for memory.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. Always consult with your physician before beginning any diet, starting any new compounds or supplements. This information is subject to our medical disclaimer.

1. Oxiracetam for Memory

How much Oxiracetam should I take?

For memory enhancement alone I like to take 750mg’s to 1000mg’s 2 to 3 times in a day. You can always start lower to asses your response to this nootropic just like all of the others.

Since Oxiracetam is water soluble this means you can take it on an empty stomach. I actually prefer this as it will hit faster this way without food getting in the way.

How does Oxiracetam Work?

Oxiracetams’s primary mechanism of action is to increase the release of acetylcholine.

This release is the main reason why oxiracetam can increase memory recall and overall memory retention.

What Does Oxiracetam Feel Like?

To me it feels like I am more focused but mainly I tend to do better at math and studying math like equations.

Also oxiracetam gives me a nice stimulating boost which in turn gives me more logical reasoning.

When Should I take It?

I like to take my Oxiracetam 1 to 2 hours before I begin any studying or work because by this time I will already be feeling it’s effects.

Where to buy

If you just want to know where to buy high quality Oxiracetam you can find it online.

2. Noopept for Memory

How much Noopept should I take?

I like to take either 30mg’s once in a day or 15mg’s twice a day when I use noopept solely for memory purposes.

You can also split it up even more for example 10mg’s 3 times a day.

Noopept is also water soluble so you can take it on an empty stomach or even use it the sublingual way for more bioavailability.

How does Noopept work?

Noopept’s mechanism of action is primarily to modulate acetylcholine which allows acetylcholine to stack in higher levels than humanly possible.

This again although a slightly different way is the reason why Noopept can have a huge effect on memory enhancement and recall.

What does Noopept feel like?

I feel super focused and also pretty stimulated but not in a negative way. Noopept is actually one of my favorite nootropics to use for studying for this reason.

Also you may feel a slight tingling sensation while using noopept which isn’t too unpleasant either in my opinion.

When should I take Noopept?

I like to take my Noopept 1 hour before studying or anything that I really want to remember.

But mainly just studying haha.

Where to buy

If you want to know where to get quality Noopept you can find it online.

3. Pramiracetam for Memory

How much Pramiracetam should I take?

When taking Pramiracetam for memory enhancement I like to take between 300 and 600mg’s once in a day.

Pramiracetam seems to be more stimulating than the other nootropics mentioned so definitely start with less to asses your response.

Since Pramiracetam is fat soluble it works the best when taken with food. I like to have a pretty light meal when taking it just so it gets to work faster.

This just means don’t stuff your fat face(joke).

How does Pramiracetam work?

The primary mechanism of action for Pramiracetam is to increase high affinity choline uptake which also allows for acetylcholine to accumulate at levels not humanly possible.

This seems to be a combination of how other racetam’s work as well as very similar to Noopept.

What does Pramiracetam feel like?

Pramiracetam makes me very focused while also still being able to process other thoughts at the same time. Pramiracetam is also very stimulating in my opinion more so than most other racetam’s.

One thing though is that you may notice a neutral state of emotion similar to what adrafinil can produce which may be a good or a bad thing depending on your preference.

When should I take Pramiracetam?

I would take pramiracetam 1 to 2 hours before you plan on doing anything that needs enhanced focus for memory retention.

Do this with a small meal to speed up the process.

Where to buy

If you just want to get quality Pramiracetam you can find it online.

4. Alpha-GPC for Memory

How much Alpha-GPC should I take?

I would take 600mg’s once or twice a day on an empty stomach since Alpha GPC is water soluble.

You can also take it with food but I just find personally that water soluble nootropics work better and faster on an empty stomach.

How does Alpha-GPC work?

Alpha-GPC is a naturally occurring choline compound as well as a precursor for both choline and glycerophosphate.

Essentially Alpha-GPC provides your brain with a surplus of acetylcholine or in the case of stacking with Racetam’s it will replenish the acetylcholine.

It will also prevent headaches with the use of racetam’s since it replenishes your acetylcholine in the brain.

What does Alpha-GPC feel like?

Alpha-GPC provides a very subtle boost in mood and motivation while still increasing the ability to enhance my memory.

Also it is a little stimulating but not much compared to other nootropics.

In general the effects seem very subtle but you will definitely notice a difference in both focus and memory enhancement.

When should I take Alpha-GPC

I take it roughly 1 hour before any learning activities or work on an empty stomach for maximum effects and results.

Where to buy

If you want to know where to buy high quality Alpha-GPC you can get it online.

5. Adrafinil for Memory

How much Adrafinil should I take?

For memory enhancement alone I like to take 300mg’s to 600mg’s once in a day. Since Adrafinil is also water soluble it works the best and the fastest on an empty stomach.

How does Adrafinil work?

Basically Adrafinil when orally ingested is metabolized in the liver and that produces Modafinil.

Both are very stimulating but not as overwhelming as some other Nootropics can be as Adrafinil is mainly just used to promote wakefulness.

What does Adrafinil feel like?

Adrafinil feels very stimulating and lasts a long time(up to 12 hours) which can be a good thing if taken early enough or a nightmare if taken too late in the day.

With Adrafinil I do receive a nice boost in a positive mood as well as substantially increased motivation, focus and overall an increase in productivity.

This in turn does lead to better memory enhancement and recall for me personally at the very least.

Also you may notice a distortion of time. Basically time may feel like it is going really fast when in reality it’s only been 20 minutes for what felt like hours.

This makes studying and working very easy.

When should I take Adrafinil?

I like to take Adrafinil at least 2 hours before getting to any work or learning activity as it does take at least that long to kick in.

Taking Adrafinil on an empty stomach also speeds up this process.

But also remember how long it lasts so don’t take it too late in the day. Ideally you will take it first thing in the morning.

Where to buy

If you want to know where to buy high quality Adrafinil you can find it online.


These so far are some of the best nootropics I have used for memory enhancement and memory recall. Who knows maybe this list will change one day when I find something better or if something stops working.

But until then I think you will be very satisfied with these top nootropics for memory.