5 Best Nootropic Stacks For Confidence

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There really are a lot of Nootropics out there and a ton of stacks to choose from but which ones are the best for confidence?

Although there are certainly more options available, here are my top Nootropic stacks for confidence that I am currently using.

I may add to this list in the future but for now I think you will be satisfied with these combinations that I have personally chosen for the time being.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before beginning any new diet, Nootropic compounds or supplements. This information is subject to our full medical disclaimer.

So with all of that being said let’s get right into it.

These won’t be in any particular order by the way.

Noopept And Aniracetam Stack

With Noopept’s ability to modulate Acetylcholine and allow it to store in higher amounts than normally possible you can get powerful Nootropic effects on it’s own.

But when you add in Aniracetam which allows more Acetylcholine that is being stored to be released this is where the magic really happens.

Together this stack can provide a powerful feeling of stimulation, sense of well being, increased motivation and an overall improvement in confidence.

I really do feel super motivated while also staying pretty relaxed which for me leads to increased confidence for the entire day.

You may notice some similar effects with some other Noopept stacks or some different Aniracetam stacks.


A good starting dose for this stack goes like this.

10mg’s Noopept

750mg’s Aniracetam

Where to buy

If you want to know where to get quality Nootropics then I highly recommend this Noopept and this Aniracetam.

Phenibut And Gorilla Mind Rush Stack

With Phenibut being a GABA derivative compound you already know it works awesome for things like calming you down and increased sociability.

Combined with Gorilla Mind Rush and it’s variety of Nootropic ingredients, this stack really takes one another to the next level in terms of synergy.

Phenibut really calms me down and increases my overall confidence but it does make me pretty tired these days especially towards the end of the day.

When I combine Phenibut with Gorilla Mind Rush I get everything I want from Phenibut and more.

By this I mean Gorilla Mind Rush works really well at keeping me awake and motivated and also seems to add extra euphoria to Phenibut when combined throughout the day.

When it comes to Nootropic stacks for confidence it doesn’t get much better than this one.

You can also try different Phenibut stacks to get the desired effects you want.


I like to take the following dosages twice in a day.

500mg’s Phenibut HCL

2 Capsules Gorilla Mind Rush

Don’t forget to take them on an empty stomach especially Phenibut.

Where to buy

I highly recommend this Phenibut and you can find Gorilla Mind Rush over here.

Piracetam And Sulbutiamine Stack

With Piracetam being the original Racetam that affects Acetylcholine and is also a GABA derivative you can expect great things like increased focus, memory and a sense of well being.

Now combine that with Sulbutiamine the Motivation enhancing Nootropic compound and you are in for a really great day.

This stack also seems to have a very synergistic effect on one another and by that I mean they work together to make each other stronger and also seem to last longer when combined in a stack.

For me personally when I have a stack like this that let’s me focus deeper while being even more motivated I just feel so much more confident than I normally would.

Check out more Piracetam stacks or Sulbutiamine stacks if you want to try some other combinations.


A good starting dose for the Piracetam Sulbutiamine stack goes like this.

200mg’s Sulbutiamine

800mg’s Piracetam

Where to buy

I highly recommend this Sulbutiamine as well as this Piracetam.

Adrafinil And Caffeine + L-Theanine Stack

With Adrafinil being able to convert to Modafinil in the liver you can expect to feel very awake, productive, focused and so on.

But it seems to work even better when Adrafinil is combined with Caffeine, especially Caffeine along with L-Theanine.

Caffeine and Adrafinil make me feel extra confident, energized, focused and an overall more productive person.

And for those of you who are sensitive to all of that stimulation you get the added benefit of L-Theanine smoothing most of that over stimulation right out.

It’s a win win for just about anything.

You may also find some other Adrafinil stacks pretty useful for confidence including the one listed above.


A good starting point for this stack looks like this.

300mg’s Adrafinil

200mg’s Caffeine

100mg’s L-Theanine

I recommend to take all of them on an empty stomach as well for maximum benefit.

Where to buy

I highly recommend this Adrafinil and you can also get a pre made Caffeine and L-Theanine stack over here.

Ashwagandha And Bacopa Stack

Both Ashwagandha and Bacopa have been used for a very long time to promote healthy stress levels and seem to excel really well as Adaptogens for that purpose.

This may be the most beginner friendly stack on this list when it comes to Nootropic stacks for confidence as they aren’t too stimulating but do provide a noticeable calming effect.

Plus they have the longest track record out of all other Nootropics on this list if you’re very particular of that sort of thing.

Overall the calming effects without excessive stimulation makes this stack perfect for those of you who are really sensitive to over stimulation and just want the boost in confidence.

Also you should take a look at some of my favorite Bacopa stacks while you’re here.


A good starting point for dosing this stack will look like this.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

500mg’s Ashwagandha Extract

Where to buy

If you just want high quality Nootropics then you can find quality Ashwagandha here and Bacopa over here.

Closing Thoughts

There you have it, my current favorite Nootropic stacks for confidence as well as a host of other benefits I really think you will enjoy.

Like mentioned earlier I may add more to this list in the future but for now I would say these are the best Nootropics for confidence that I’m currently rotating at this time.