5 Best Bacopa Monnieri Stacks From My Experience

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As you may already know Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most popular Nootropics on the market today and for good reason.

It has been shown time and time again to help and improve things like memory recall, promote healthy stress levels, create a general feeling of well being, promote sleep and also has Antioxidant properties.

While some of these benefits can be seen immediately it may take some time before you will see it’s full potential which could be weeks or months.

So in the mean time here are some of the best Bacopa Monnieri stacks that you can rotate and see immediate effects while you wait for Bacopa to reach it’s full potential.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Always consult with your physician before beginning any new diet, Nootropic compounds or supplements. This information is subject to our full medical disclaimer.

So with all of that being said here are my current favorite Bacopa stacks and what you can expect from each of them.

Since I don’t think there is one best Bacopa Monnieri stack these won’t be in any specific order.

Bacopa And Phenibut Stack

While both of these compounds work really well at generating a complete feeling of well being on their own, when you combine them into a stack it works just that much better.

The Bacopa Monnieri and Phenibut stack will be your strongest stack when it comes to calming and promoting a feeling of well being in general.

You may notice that you are more talkative or just want to be around people more than you usually would.

Plus music sounds so much better mainly from the Phenibut and can cause a pretty Euphoric day in my experience.

Dreams may also be more vivid or intense.


A good starting point when dosing the Bacopa and Phenibut stack will look like this.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

500mg’s Phenibut HCL

Where to buy

As I always say it is super important to only buy from trusted vendors so you know exactly what you are getting.

So with that being said I highly recommend this Phenibut and this Bacopa.

Bacopa And Phenylpiracetam Stack

The Bacopa and Phenylpiracetam stack will be one of the most physically stimulating stacks on this list.

So if you want enhanced focus while having much more energy then this stack will be ideal if you really want to have a productive day.

Bacopa can be weird though where for most users it will provide a calming effect where as for some others it does the opposite.

So if Bacopa Monnieri causes you to be stimulated on it’s own then I wouldn’t recommend this stack unless you really feel that you can handle them together.

Other than that if Bacopa seems to chill you out then this stack compliments each other nicely.


A standard dose for the Bacopa and Phenylpiracetam stack will look something like this.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

100mg’s Phenylpiracetam

You should definitely cut the Bacopa dosage in half if it tends to stimulate you when stacking with Phenylpiracetam.

Where to buy

If you just want to know where to buy Phenylpiracetam that is actually quality then you can get some here.

Bacopa And Pramiracetam Stack

For sheer focus and concentration for hours on end, the Bacopa and Pramiracetam stack will be a top pick.

You can expect to get a lot of work done while on this stack but also better quality work and the motivation to really get it done.

This stack is also ideal for studying due to Bacopa’s ability at creating faster memory recall and Pramiracetam’s ability to really get you to focus deeper and the motivation to keep going.

Overall a really effective grind stack.


For dosing the Bacopa and Pramiracetam stack I like to keep it to an even ratio like the following.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

300mg’s Pramiracetam

Where to buy

If you want to know where to buy quality Nootropics then you can find my recommended Pramiracetam here and Bacopa over here.

Bacopa And Lion’s Mane Stack

For me personally I find that the Bacopa and Lion’s Mane stack seems to provide an overall positive mood and outlook on life.

Although it may not provide this right away or for everyone it seems to gradually get better over time and is pretty subtle but still noticeable.

Other than that this stack works well at calming me down while still allowing me to focus and recall any information I’m trying to learn.

This stack is very beginner friendly in my opinion.


I find that a good dose for the Bacopa and Lion’s Mane stack looks like this.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

500mg’s Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract

Where to buy

If you just want high quality Lion’s Mane Mushroom then you can find some over here.

Bacopa And Noopept

Last but not least we have the Bacopa Monnieri and Noopept stack. This stack may feel somewhat similar to the Bacopa and Pramiracetam stack.

Depending on which one you actually prefer you can swap either one out and replace with the other.

This stack is ideal for enhanced focus, concentration, memory retention, recall and seems to also chill me out pretty nicely even though there is some stimulation it is not overwhelming for me.

A very nice study stack in my opinion.


I find the optimal dose for the Bacopa and Noopept stack to look like this.

300mg’s Bacopa Monnieri Extract

40mg’s Noopept

Where to buy

I highly recommend this Noopept and this Bacopa.